Wednesday, October 11, 2017

1 Step To Financial Independence

1 Step To Financial Independence
All You Will Ever Need To Achieve Freedom

Get Your Copy Today
Why do the government think jobs are so important when they talk about the economy? 

The number one statistic is the jobless or unemployment rate.

Are we conditioned, when the employer rings the bell, we come running? We cannot wait to go to work, pay bills, go to work pay bills. Maybe have a fleeting moment of happiness, and then back to work, pay bills an endless cycle until we can no longer fulfill our obligation.

When The Bell Rings
The workforce is created of wage earners, trading time for money. So, at some point, the money earned should buy back some of that time.

Is Financial Independence too good to be true?

Or, is it? Maybe it is just a facade? Something we have been led to believe, the most valid result of Pavlov’s theory. Are we to conclude that we are elephants, with immense strength and power tied to a tiny insignificant infinitesimal stick stuck in four inches of the ground?

Immense Strength and Power vs Insignificant Infinitesimal Stick and Four Inches Ground
Financial Independence defined, the state of having sufficient wealth or monies to live, without having to work continuously for life’s basic needs shelter, food, water, and a little fun. A financially independent person no longer toils for life’s essentials, they have accumulated enough assets to support these necessities for the rest of his or her life. 

So, what happened? Why are we wishing, hoping, praying, that our 401k’s, our pensions, or even Social Security will bail us out? 
The real question is:
Why will the majority never achieve this status?

Let me emphasize that this discussion is not just about money. This book is about how money makes you think, how your boss makes you think, how you're schooling or education makes you think, how your government makes you think. What do you think too much thinking? The editor is going crazy right about now. 

Consider the proverbial donkey or mule being led by one carrot, when there is a field of carrots on the other side of the fence.

Do You Ever Get The Carrot? Why Not Choose The Field?
There are at minimum 12 steps you can take to achieve this illustrious fable. Just one of these steps if applied should help you obtain Financial Independence.

    1  Set financial goals
    2  Stop spending more than you make
    3  Save, Save, Save
    4  Make More Money
    5  Invest
    6  Downsize
    7  Work on the side
    8  Start your own business
    9  Get a financial advisor
    10  Buy a whole life insurance policy and make extra payments
    11  Marry someone already financial independent
    12  My favorite “rob a bank,” repeatedly until you reach said goal 
    13  The list goes on and on

Yes, these are excellent suggestions, but none of these are or is the end game. 

If the above steps worked, you know you have tried at least two or three of them. Why are you not financially independent?

Some of you have been working on this for years, start, stop, ( car breaks down ). Start again, stop, ( medical emergency ). Go, stop, ( stock market crash, yeah, yeah, yeah, ride it out, that works ). Start again, stop, ( your house needs major repairs ) start and stop and the vicious cycle goes on and on. 

So, what is wrong?

What is the one step you must take then? 

Food for thought, Money is not the goal here, more money alone, will not bring you financial independence. Money is the culprit, without money humankind would be free. Money was designed to enslave us keep us locked into a system with little or no gratitude and meniscal rewards.

We all receive a 168 dollar paycheck every week. How do you spend yours? Ok, it is not dollars, but we live in a world where we trade time for money. So in reality, for now, we receive a 168 dollar paycheck. So, again, I ask. How are you spending yours? What time-wasting activities consume your life? Maybe you are borrowing from the time you should be sleeping. Or, are you of the mindset you only live once, so I will sleep when I die. 

Maybe you have two or three jobs, just to make ends meet. Just remember being balance in our use of time is the desired result. How did you spend your paycheck last week?

168 Dollars A Week How Do You Spend Yours?
The Point is we all have the same amount of time. 

So how come only a small number of people have mastered the holy grail the ultimate status of financial security?

Perhaps there is not enough wealth to go around. Maybe there can be only one recipient of this gold medal.

For the rest of us, it is just a dream. Financial independence is a distant planet, a planet 99 percent of us will never visit. In a galaxy far away, in a solar system still expanding and growing out of our reach.

Financial Independence A Distant Planet
Can you taste the fruit of your labors now? Or, do you have to wait and see? Waiting until you are 67 to retire, just to find out you do not have enough money. 

By the way who said you had to wait until 67. (Wink, Wink still think it’s your decision) 

Do you have to wait to enjoy a life of freedom from work, work, work only to have such a little to show for it at the end of the week, month, year?

You want to ask me the following question.

If 12 Steps cannot get me there, how can 1 Step possibly make a difference?

12 Steps VS 1 Step
You have likely heard the old saying, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

Let’s just say before you can get on the train and arrive at your destination. You have to get a ticket.

Of course, after you learn the 1 Step, it is the hope of the author that you continue exploring the rest of the book.

1 Step To Financial Independence
This book will show you a way to fast track your journey by starting an online business. It will further explore the steps necessary to get you started.

You will also be privy to a Powerful Financial Principle that could speed up the process even more.

Although Financial Independence is not for everyone, for some of us all it takes is a little push for others we need to be hit by two by four right between the eyes.

Hit Between The Eyes By A Two By Four
Your choice, you can settle for the push now, or get the two by four later.

1 Step To Financial Independence

When you have finished reading this book, and decide to start the journey, but need help, you are not alone, if you need help send me an email.

The real question is…
Why will the majority never achieve this status?

Get the eBook 1 Step to Financial Independence and join me on this journey. Unlike other reports, books, study courses on the internet or in the late night infomercials on this topic, this report will cost you only $4.99 cent.

If you have already paid for your copy of this eBook and did not receive your download please email us @ immediately so that we can correct this error.

We are sorry for any inconvenience and look forward to you joining us soon.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Play Money Bags Starting July 1st 2017

Play Money Bags Starting July 1st 2017

Money Bags Coming Soon July 1st 2017 Get Ready To Play! The money bags are hiding in plain view through out this site find ten money bags then email the codes to Privacy Policy

Money Bag Rules

The money bags could move daily.

You must note the codes attached to the money bags, and then email the codes of all ten money bags to Privacy Policy

$100 dollars will be awarded to 1 individual out 100 entries. This means the odds are 1 in 100.

You will be notified of the winner, when we have reached 100 entries.

If you are a winner, be kind tell others about this site. Even if you are not a winner you should tell others about this site, the reasons should be obvious.

We have made it easy to find the first money bag, click the money bag above to get started.

More rules Here if you really like this rules stuff.

And now a word from our sponsor.

Get your copy of Ever Tangled With Lightning available in eBook, and paperback. You will laugh, cry, and remember.

Youtube Video No Money No Money No Money

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Money Bags brought to you by

Monday, May 15, 2017

IinCmm Equals Income Online

IinCmm Equals Income Online

IinCmm what does it mean? IinCmm what do the acronyms stand for? What are you selling? 

These are the three questions I get quite often when people see my advertisements. 

I ask them, have you visited my site online? Then I follow up with, it will remain a mystery until, I have met my goal or someone figures it out. 

In the meantime, what you and anyone else who are interested in making an income online need to know is… 

IinCmm equals Income.

Consider all the things we do online, everyday. 

Searching for answers 
Social Media Tagging 
Watching Videos 
Online Schooling/Learning/Courses 
Surfing for fun or for no apparent reason except to be entertained 
Streaming Movies 
Listening and Downloading Music 
Checking Email 
Making Money ???

That last one Making Money, can you really make money while online? 

Yes you can, but please do not believe all the hype, it can be challenging, frustrating, disappointing and costly. 

That is why I am trying to make this as easy as possible. 

What if making money online is as easy as touching a button? 

Consider,,,,, and all of the various online stores, all make money because you or someone else touched a button. Pushing a button is how they make money online, infact you can purchase items on with one touch and your selected product is on it’s way to you. You get the latest gadget, book, or clothing, and they get paid. 

Certain sites also offer an affiliate program, where in you can get paid anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on the item or items your affiliate links are attached to. 

However this process requires you to put in some work. You will have to have an online presence, whether it be a successfully email list, a website, a blogger account. Maybe you decide to use your facebook, twitter, instagram, google plus account, or some other form of social media. 

Once you have setup one of the above avenues to attract business, then you will have to create content, content that is relevent to the item or items you have an affiliation with. 

You will also have to take certain steps, so people can find you online, and create more content. 

You may choose to buy some online adverisements from, google, twitter, facebook, and other companies who are willing to take your money in turn they will help you improve your SEO score. 

Oh, I did not mention all of the research you have to do to understand how the the IoT (Internet of Things) work. Plus you will have to research your product, so you can become a semi expert on the product. If you gather enough information, you could right your own eBook and sell it on amazon, on iBooks, Barnes and Nobles, and on your website.

If you are interested in this process I can show you how to do all of the steps above. 


You can make money by just pushing, pressing, touching a button. 

You will not become instantly wealthy with this method, but it is a start. 

I am looking for 10 persons to help me, in turn I will help them get started making money by simply pressing or touching a button. This online system is in beta. If it yeilds the appropriate results I will help others get started making money by touching a button. 

Ready to get started. 

Touch the button.

Find IinCmm on Social Media, you know what to do.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Dig Some Coal

We have pre-launched Dig Some CoalWe are pleased to present our first goal from conception and design to an actually product for Android and iOS.

Dig Some Coal Menu

 You now get to play ver. 1.0 for free, which includes no tricksno annoying adds, or popups, and no waiting
Just (puredee) game play. 
It would be nice if you review the app or give some feedback, so that we can improve on the game and future versions.  
The ver 1.0 is sure to please the player, and future versions will astonish you even more.

MineShaft Joyride

Dig Some Coal
Mine Escape

Game Description for version 1.0 below.
Dig Some Coal three games in one. Mineshaft Joyride, the signature game (Dig Some Coal) and Mine Escape.
Take a ride in a mine cart before getting started in your days work in the mines. After you have met up with your co-workers in the mine, it is time to get to work collecting coal and sometimes special gems. When the work day is over it is time to leave the mine and go home.
Take a thrill ride in a game like no other game. There will be challenges along the way, but you will be rewarded for your labor if you persist.
Come mining with us, and see how this game grows.
Read below for future versions and updates. Also see the video of the original drawings and concept art.
Original Artwork and Concept - Youtube Video

The first version of this game, now available for Android and iOS!
Dig Some Coal is an online game, where you play 3 games in one to build up precious commodities in order to start your own mining town.
You can choose to play either Mine Shaft Joyride, Dig Some Coal, or Mine Escape in order to build up your commodities.
The commodities are coal, gold, and diamonds.
When you leave the mine, of course you will need a place to stay, so it is important to build a home or some type of shelter.
The more important goal is to save your commodities in order to build your mining town.
Wait though, no one said this will be easy, mining is fraught with many dangers and setbacks.
This trailer, hopefully is the second of several trailers to give you a glimpse into what the game will entail.
We are considering a project to help fund the future developments, advertisement and releases of this game.
I will release a preview of the project page soon.
Please leave comments, questions, or input below.
Updates can be found at the link Here. However I will be releasing further updates in the form of trailers as the game develops.
How you can provide help additionally.

Help bring awareness to this project by visiting the youtube link and telling others.