4 Steps to Blogging for Dollars
So you have heard that you can make money by blogging, and you are new to this hold blogging experience, but you are skeptical as to the legitimacy of all the claims you have heard either on the internet or from the office chatter at the proverbial water cooler.
The bad news is you will not make money right away, unless you already have a following or followers.
I know you are thinking what following what followers. I am new to this internet jazz. How can I already have a following or followers?
The answer to your question is simply some people are already successful, they just do not know their potential.
How many Facebook.com friends do you have?
How many twitter.com followers, check in to see your latest twitter post?
How many instagram.com followers, just can not wait to see what you post next?
How many people are following your pinterest.com pins?
Or maybe you have a life outside the cyber world.
Are you popular at school, at work, in college, do you and your band perform at places that promote live entertainment, maybe you sell artwork, jewelry, cosmetics, home health products and you have a list of clients that you visit weekly, or monthly.
You should be getting the picture by now, the people you already know are your followers. What you need is a blog, a web address apart from the web address you already have to get started blogging for dollars.
Here are 4 steps to Blogging for Dollars.
1. Affiliate Marketing.
2. Selling Ads and Links to other peoples Products and Merchandise.
3. Sell your own Merchandise.
4. Educating others by selling eBooks and software about what you know.
Of course there are many other ways to blog for dollars, but the above steps are the quickest ways to get started now.
I know you maybe wondering, you might even be talking in a really weird undertone right about now.
"Wait a minute these are not steps to Blogging for Dollars."
You were probably expecting 4 steps to how to get started, and that is not what this article is called.
The name of the article is Blogging for Dollars secondary name is 4 steps to Blogging for Dollars.
This post is all about making dollars with your blog the four steps above are exactly how you will make dollars from your blog.
Check back and see how I add to the four steps and get you started blogging for dollars.
This a sample blog:
If you would like to read about how to get started blogging, visit this link and check the archives for extensive discussions that expand on the art of blogging.
If you would like to read about how to get started blogging, visit this link and check the archives for extensive discussions that expand on the art of blogging.
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